Saturday, December 30, 2006
Ongoing Click Fraud discussion
- Ongoing Click Fraud discussion – A variety of high-profile Click Fraud studies were announced in the second half of 2006, as marketers became more aware of the concept. Introduced and detailed in SMTrends Issue #11, the subject continued to confuse some marketers, many of whom were unsure of the exact percentage of advertising that was potentially fraudulent. Avenue A | Razorfish has always been very proactive in handling potentially fraudulent clicks, and updated its Point of View on the subject in November of 2006, as summarized in SMTrends Issue #21.
- Some are taking a different approach to Click Fraud by researching (PDF) alternate pricing mechanisms for Paid Search advertising.
- Additionally, Google began to offer reports of “Invalid Click Rates” within its system.
# posted by JP @ 10:43 AM