Wednesday, July 20, 2005


Faster 3G

Venturi Wireless Introduces 3G Optimization Client for Windows Mobile Devices
Wednesday July 20, 8:00 am ET

SUNNYVALE, Calif., July 20 /PRNewswire/ -- Venturi Wireless, a global provider of 3G mobile broadband optimization solutions, announced the availability of Venturi VClient version 3.1 for Windows Mobile 2003 Pocket PC and Smartphone operating systems. The VClient for Smartphones and Pocket PCs brings the full benefits of Venturi's patented optimization technology to data-enabled handsets and mobile devices.

With the Venturi VClient installed on the device, subscribers can experience significant improvements in the speed and reliability of their data applications. Consumers and business users can browse the Web, send and receive emails, view videos, download music files, and access critical business applications as much as seven times faster when compared to standard wireless speeds. Beyond faster speeds, the VClient also enhances the user experience by maintaining wireless data connections in poor coverage areas where connection time-outs frequently occur and data sessions are often dropped.

The VClient, a key component of the Venturi Wireless Optimization Solution, connects to the Venturi optimization servers that sit in the mobile carrier's network.

"Our goal is to deliver a wireline-like broadband experience to users of all wireless devices," says Bassam Khan, vice president of product management at Venturi Wireless. "With the VClient for Windows Smartphones and PocketPCs, we are extending our optimization solution from laptops to new classes of wireless devices. As bandwidth-intensive multimedia content and complex business applications are being increasingly accessed from handheld devices, optimization becomes more critical." Frost & Sullivan estimates that by the end of this year, there will be more than 23 million mobile data enterprise users and more than $6 billion from wireless data revenue.

The VClient offers remarkably simple installation, management and usability. The software can be downloaded from the Web and installed quickly on the device.

Venturi's client/server solution utilizes the patented Venturi Transport Protocol (VTP) to overcome challenges related to wireless data transport, including high packet loss and high latency. VTP delivers faster connection speeds and better application reliability under all coverage conditions. In addition to enhancing the subscriber experience, the Venturi Solution also improves overall network efficiency.

The latest version of the VClient is available for download at VClient features work only on carrier networks that have selected Venturi optimization servers for their data networks. Users will need to verify that they subscribe to a Venturi-optimized provider.

About Venturi Wireless

Venturi Wireless is the trusted leader in providing mobile broadband optimization solutions to wireless carriers and enterprises worldwide. Venturi's patented carrier-grade solution maximizes network efficiency and delivers the most compelling mobile data user experience available. With the largest active mobile broadband user base, Venturi Wireless offers unparalleled expertise in mobile broadband deployment. Mobile market leaders who have chosen Venturi Wireless include Zapp Mobile, WILLCOM (formerly DDI Pocket) and Verizon Wireless. Venturi Wireless is headquartered in Sunnyvale, Calif., with offices in London, New Jersey, Tokyo and Washington, D.C. and Seoul, Korea. Find more information on the Web at

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